Animations -

Animations allows to visualize state of equipment in a model by applying the visual effects to a model object. There are following animation types are supported:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
  1. I successfully created a variable using POST/variables.
    “Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "Name": "Reservation Status: 29A Meeting Room",
    "Key": "Reservation Status: 29A Meeting Room",
    "Type": 8,
    "NumericValue": 0.0,
    "StringValue": ""
  1. I successfully created an animation using POST/models/animations/raw
    "Name": "Reservation Status: 29A Meeting Room",
    "Definition": "{\"Models\": [{\"Id\": \"a119a348-15b7-3502-9df7-5e109ed4ce8c\", \"Ids\": [\"3tVs6ewnP158K_JdR9viCB\"]}], \"Animations\": [{\"Conditions\": [{\"RDSVar\": \"Reservation Status: 29A Meeting Room\", \"Type\": \"Equal\", \"Value1\": 4}], \"LogicalOperation\": \"AND\", \"AnimationType\": \"Color\", \"Parameters\": \"{\\\"Speed\\\": 5.0, \\\"Color\\\": \\\"#FF0000\\\"}\", \"IsBlinked\": true}]}",
    "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  1. I can successfully modify the variable value using PUT/variables/{{varGuid}}

But after this, the animation is not working. What/where did I go wrong?