The application header contains a hamburger menu to open the menu on the left. That means all pages which have the header HAVE to have a menu on the left as well? The docs make it sound like its possible to use only the parts in Application frame that one needs. But I understand it correctly that the Menu is required if a header is used? Else there is a button which cannot be clicked?
any news here? this post must be at least 20 characters long
Hi @tobias.klock.ext, in fact the menu is not considered as required. You can refer to the “UX guidelines” tab in the documentation for the application header. However, when doublechecking with the developed component, we realized an issue regarding the availability and visibility of the menu in the different viewports. We will open a ticket for that, thanks for providing the feedback!
Can I track the progress of this somewhere?
Currently our app shows a menu button in the Application Header which doesnt do anything when you press it. So…this is a bug I guess.
No as Felix mentioned ApplicationHeader is part of the application frame (Application | Siemens Industrial Experience)
and is currently not intended to work as standalone because the have shared functionality between menu and some global configurations like dynamic hide and show menu toggle button.
If you dont want support small screens you can disable the baviour by removing the breakpoints from the application configuration:
<ix-application breakpoints={['md', 'lg']}>
<ix-application-header name="My Application">
This will ensure that the application do not show the small screen layout of the menu and header.
Only GitHub issues can be tracked all tickets which are created by the Team will not be visible.
Hi Daniel,
I understood Felix different:
He said:
“in fact the menu is not considered as required”.
That does not sound like what you are saying here:
“No as Felix mentioned ApplicationHeader is part of the application frame”
The way I read this Felix is saying I dont need the menu and you are saying the opposite.
But since I don’t see any progress here I will approach our UX and explain that the IX docs are stating incorrectly that these components can be used individually and I’ll ask them to redesign.
This is the part that is wrong in the docs. Its not possible to use this in a modular component based way since the Header and the Sidebar can only be used together on small screens.
And if they are not used together then its buggy. So it has not been created with “modularity in mind”. Or at least it doesnt work.
We plan the application-header improvements for next release (no date yet). We will keep you up2date inside this thread if we have implemented the fix.
Any update on this? Our app went live now and it seems like this ix bug is still present.
Should work with at least the latest version.