Hello, I am a bachelor student and working with siemens iX as part of the AMOS Project from my university. I am struggling with the charts a lot but I am also not a very experienced developer so maybe this is easy to answer. I have 2 questions:
1. Can I avoid the “import * as echarts from ‘echarts/core’;”?
As described on the iX website I need to pass echarts to the registerTheme(echarts) but jest is complaining about the ‘import *’ and the only way I found to fix it was to instead write “import * as echarts from ‘echarts’” so I always import way too many things eventhough I don’t need them.
2. How can I get the echarts instance to call functions like resize/setOption on it?
The Angular example does not have an echarts.init call to give me an echarts instance as described on the echarts website. But I need it for resizing and dynamic data as described on their website
I want something like
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
// so I can now do myChart.xy()
Lets try @IngoSternberg please prepare a stackblitz or a github repo with just the issue you mentioned. After that i can have a look into it without code its hard to tell whats the issue is.
I understand that it is difficult to help me, because I could not exactly describe the situation I am in. I can’t really provide you with a seperate stackblitz or github repository because that would take a lot of time. The github repository with everything is here but everything there is still work in progress. About the specific questions:
Having the “import * as ‘echarts’;” is not that big of a deal. So if you can’t really help me with that now, it should be fine to just always import everything.
About the functions on the echarts. I think this question is resolved for now. I only read the siemens ix description of echarts and then the documentation on the apache echarts site. I did not realize that I also have to check the documentation about ngx-echarts specifically. There I found ways to do what I want without even getting a specific instance of the chart.
So point 2. you have solved by searching the other 3rd party libraries documentation.
Regarding point 1. your snippet import * as ‘echarts’; looks odd. This is the reason i ask for a better code snippet to understand what you are doing there.
A valid import statement is
import * as xyz from "the-lib";
import xyz from "the-lib";
import { abc } from "the-lib";
so what is you questions regarding ix and echarts. Iam struggle to give you a good answer.
The problem is not that it does not work. I just asked if there is a way to avoid the import * because I don’t want to always import everything. I think I actually explained it decently in the initial question, but I understand that putting everything into one sentence was confusing:
1. Can I avoid the “import * as echarts from ‘echarts/core’;”?
As described on the iX website I need to pass echarts to the registerTheme(echarts) but jest is complaining about the ‘import *’ and the only way I found to fix it was to instead write “import * as echarts from ‘echarts’” so I always import way too many things eventhough I don’t need them.
More detailed explanation
I would like to avoid having the import * as echarts from 'echarts/core'; When I had it the linting/jest or something complained. To fix this I wrote import * as echarts from 'echarts' so I always import way too many things.
I didn’t ask you to help me fix the linting/jest. I just want to know if there is a way to entirely avoid the import * in general. This would be nice to decrease the bundle size similar to the echarts guide you linked.
Right now I see no way to avoid it because I need to call the registerTheme function with echarts as a parameter so registerTheme(echarts)
I hope this clears up all the confusions. If there is no way to avoid the import * then always importing everything would be fine I guess