Hi , We have lit web-component, on click of a button in webcomponent, an ix-modal should get open and display the content.
I have tried this Java Script Example to open ix-modal but the modal is attaching to body instead of lit component.
Could you please give an example, or is there any property where I can specify what should be the parent fir this modal?
Many thanks for your post.
What exactly is your use case for this? Maybe this will help us understand this requirement better.
Again thanks for helping us build and improve iX for everyone and we are sorry we could not provide you with an immediate solution.
Hi Lukas,
We are creating lit web-component, which will be used in other applications as modal body(not IX-modal).
In the same web component, we have a button which upon click opens ix-modal.
We have tried the available java script example. But ix-modal is attaching to body tag instead of
attaching inside lit-web component shadow-root?
Is it possible to achieve the mentioned use case in web components.
If yes, could you please provide us an example?