Ix-select and ix-dropdown inside grid is not working properly

I use ix-select inside a grid and when I click on it, the values are shown “behind” other elements in the table. It seems if I do it on the first few rows, it doesn’t work, but on the last row it does show fine (probably because no other elements below it, also can work for more line at the end of the table).
Same thing happens with ix-dropdown, as can be seen below.

I’m using version 30.2.1 of AG Grid Angular, those are the other relevant versions for IX:

@siemens/ix”: “^2.4.1”,
@siemens/ix-aggrid”: “^2.1.6”,
@siemens/ix-angular”: “^2.4.1”,
@siemens/ix-icons”: “^2.2.0”,

Unfortunately this is an issue regarding how ag grid is rendering the rows. You can avoid this by setting suppressRowTransform: true.

(Blue box => JavaScript Grid: Row Spanning | AG Grid)

Works perfectly, thanks! :grin: