The final showdown of This is Industrial Edge Competition 2023 is almost here!

:loudspeaker: The final showdown of This is Industrial Edge Competition 2023 is almost here! This is where you can find and cheer for the amazing ideas of students from Singapore. They’ve come up with really cool technology applications. We’re big fans of tech and new ideas, so we want you to check out their projects and tell us which one you like the most.

The stage is set, and our finalists are ready to shine! In just 2 days, the ultimate battle begins, and our students are buzzing with excitement! :trophy:

But wait, there’s something crucial missing – YOUR VOTE! :ballot_box:

It’s time to rally behind your favorite project team and propel them to victory in this thrilling competition. :rocket:

Tap the link and cast your vote now! :point_down: