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Welcome to the Siemens Xcelerator community!

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This community is for all users of the Siemens Xcelerator platform and the Siemens ecosystem. We welcome discussion of our platform, the many industries we interact in, our API, and other closely related topics. We also welcome your site feedback.

The Siemens Xcelerator Community Forum is a place where you can learn, share, and collaborate. It’s a great way to see what others are interested in or working on, trade tips, hear about the latest trends, and share feedback.


As of writing, the following forum categories exist:

  • Info & Announcements - official updates, guides, and important information related to the Siemens Xcelerator community.
  • Ask the community - discuss anything Siemens Xcelerator and ecosystem, ask questions, and more.
  • Developer Space - dive into our developer space and connect with like-minded peers over our API catalog.

When creating a new topic (by clicking “New Topic” on the forum homepage ), please select the most relevant category. This will keep the forum organized, and make it easier for other users to find your topic.

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You can also search topics by category on the homepage.
